Reduce anxiety, overcome fatigue, improve performance, manage physical pain & live in peace and happiness
Based on the teachings of Yoga Shikho and Tattva Upanishads
Eastern wisdom 6000 years’ old tradition supported by 3000 teachers and texts. The goal of eastern wisdom is to discovery the true nature to end stress, suffering, and awaken to inner peace and happiness
The program (corporate stress management) is an experiential learning, engages participants acquire knowledge of the principles of easternwisdom, followed by small and easy practice, sharing of experiences.
You learn from the teachings of the great masters who discovered mindfulness 6000 years ago.
Every session of corporate stress management is interactive, conscious journey and free from cult, dogma, belief and religion.
You learn to remove barriers that blocks the progress, helpers that hasten the perfection.
Any one who is seeking peace, happiness, Well-being, and complementary approach to over come addiction / dependence from drugs, alcohol, and ot her social abuses.
40+ years of experience in educating, mentoring people from all walks of life. He trained and mentored diplomats, engineers, technocrats and military.
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