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Coaching, Mentoring and Guidance for Excellence, Performance, Happiness & Evolution.

A Journey to Inner Peace, Happiness

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Step 1

Know It

We don’t know our true nature. Let us know it by teachings of masters of Eastern Wisdom

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Know It

Step 2

Understand It

Become a seeker, ask questions to remove doubts and clear your mind.

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Step 3

Practice It

Let us personalize practice, every week, to bring about a change.

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Step 4

Experience It

Let experience change the brain, the brain changes daily living

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Coaching & Mentoring in Specialized Programs & Practices by Girish Jha
43+ Years of Experience

One to One Coaching

We help executives to tap inner resources, to Lead, Manage, Excel, earn more by 10 steps program and personalized practices based on eastern wisdom, with 43+ yrs. of experience and proven strategy.

Books by Girish Jha


Hatha Yoga in questions and answers: Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Gherand Samhita

Hatha Yoga is practiced everywhere in the world, the most popular but completely misunderstood path. There are many styles of Hatha Yoga, commonly taken as Patanjali Raja Yoga. Many masters in the Himalayas who I met say that misunderstanding and confusion are due to a lack of proper study under master-disciple tradition. One master who lived in the Himalayas taught me Hatha Yoga from two popular texts, Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Gherand Samhita. He also referred to other texts, Goraksh Rahasyam and Dattatreya Yoga Sastra. Later, another great master, Swami Anant Bharati of Himalayan tradition, guided important aspects of Hatha Yoga.


Happiness and Wisdom Speak: What is the real self we discover in mindfulness/meditation?

A master in Eastern Wisdom is called a Guru. The word ‘Guru’ means moving from ignorance to knowledge. What is ignorance and knowledge in the word Guru? We are ignorant about our real nature. The real nature, according to Eastern Wisdom, is SatChitAnanda (the absolute existence, consciousness, and bliss). We experience that we are stressed, we are suffering, and we believe we are worthy of suffering. The knowledge is about knowledge of self that declares we are not worthy of suffering. In reality we are peace, happiness, truth, love, and wisdom.


The legacy of a master: Diving deep into your innermost self: Step by Step learning on how to transform the mind and live in peace and happiness

Eastern Wisdom is 6000 years of ancient tradition that is supported by 3000 teachers and texts. The goal of Eastern Wisdom is the discovery of our true nature. By doing this, we end stress, and suffering, and awaken to inner peace and happiness. Science aims at the discovery of the objective reality (material world) with a focus on objects in the world. Eastern Wisdom aims at the discovery of subjective reality. This reality is subjective because the true self cannot be objectified, in other words, it is not something that is experienced. Science works in the domain of “Who am I not” (i.e., matter, body, breath, brain, mind, intellect, and ego). Eastern Wisdom aims at knowing our true nature or “Who am I.” Knowledge knows no boundaries, and both complement each other. Knowledge, as such, should not be rejected. Knowledge is the power that liberates. This liberation in Eastern Wisdom is freedom from the mind.


40 Steps to Self-Discovery, Meditation & Awakening: To make our entire life a celebration

Four words define practice in Eastern Wisdom: Sadhana, Upaya, Upasana, and Abhyasa, roughly translated as practice. The word ‘Sadhana’ means accepting and cultivating what is desired and rejecting what is not desired in the journey of self-discovery. The word ‘Upaya’ means method, tools, and means. The word ‘Upaya’ is a method that removes impurities of the mind before awakening takes place. The word also defines various experiences the seeker passes through before awakening and realization. It also means ‘to come near’ or ‘to come into a state of what is known as awakening. The word ‘Upasana’ means ‘sitting near’ before the seeker enters into meditation. The word ‘Abhyasa’ means practice or repeatedly repeating the steps until the mind enters emptiness, calm, and reveals our true nature. But practice accompanies wisdom or the right knowledge.


Applied Eastern Wisdom – Shanti Meditation Volume One: Manual for teachers teaching meditation and mindfulness

The first level of Shanti Meditation is easy, simple, effortless, and effective and can be practiced by anyone who is aspiring for peace, calm, happiness, and/or management of anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia, or other problems. It is based on the fundamentals of authentic Tantra & Yoga tradition that originated 6000 years ago and is delivered in an oral tradition in which teachers unfold secrets of meditation by brief talk, guided practice, sharing of experiences for deeper understanding, and maximum benefits. Shanti Meditation is a meditation practice free from cult, dogma, belief, and/or religion.


How To Succeed In Meditation: Introduction to the Tattva Bodha Volume 1 Paperback – June 12, 2020

The Tattva Bodha is a topical text dating back 700 years. To study the Tattva Bodha is to study oneself. The teachings prepare the reader to succeed in meditation.


Journey in the life of a meditator: Steps to tread the path of meditation Paperback – May 4, 2020

The manual is compressed knowledge and practices. The principles in the book are for everyone who likes to tread the path of self-discovery leading to life and work, think and express in permanent peace, happiness, love, and wisdom. The journey of life has a specific purpose i.e. evolve and help evolve everyone to live a life beyond suffering and in the highest state of mindfulness.


Layman’s Guide to Mindfulness: Learn from your experiences (Volume 1) 1st Edition

Science aims at the discovery of objective reality. Eastern Wisdom aims at the discovery of subjective reality. Science works in the domain of “Who I am not” i.e. matter, body, breath, brain, mind, intellect, and ego. Eastern Wisdom aims at knowing our true nature or “Who I am”. Knowledge knows no boundaries and Science and Eastern Wisdomcomplement each other. Knowledge should not be rejected. Knowledge is the power that liberates. This liberation in Eastern Wisdom is freedom from the mind.


Eightfold path of Mindfulness: Drop the Dualities Caused by the Mind in Ignorance (Volume 1) 1st Edition

The Eightfold Path of mindfulness means eight groups of practices. There are practices for studying, contemplating, and cultivating attitudes, behaviors, thoughts, and speech, then there are practices needing to be done to change the mind, to change the brain to rise above the ordinary state of consciousness. The ordinary state of mind is full of dualities i.e. likes and dislikes, sorrow and happiness, hatred and love, and so on. The mind by default perceives the world by division. It is a necessary evil. Still, we need this mind for transactional reality i.e. personal, professional, social, and family lives.


Mind to mindfulness to awakening: Based on the teachings of Amritbindu Upanishad Kindle Edition

The book is written by a great master more than 2000 years ago. It deals with the mind, cause of suffering, tools to manage stress and suffering. This book ( Mind to mindfulness to awakening ) has less than 25 verses. When one learns, contemplates, and do simple practices, one enters into a deep meditative state that reveals inner peace and happiness. There are three main topics covered in this text. The first topics are about mind, meditation, and state of meditation of mindfulness. The second topic is what happens when awakening takes place. The third topic explains what is enlightenment.

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